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Patient Resources



  • No heat (saunas, hot tubs, steam rooms, hot showers, tanning etc.) 

  • No exercise for 24 hours (avoid sweating or increasing your heart rate) 

  • No pressure to the injected area for 2 weeks 

  • No actives skin care products for 48 hours (retinol, BHA, AHA, vitamin A, glycolic acids, lactic acids, retin-A) 

  • Apply cool compress to swollen areas 

  • Avoid blood thinners (alcohol, Advil, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, ginseng, caffeine, ginger, St. John’s Warts, or high doses of vitamin E) for 72 hours post treatment 

  • Swelling and bruising to be expected for up to 7 days for swelling and 1-3 weeks for bruising 

  • Use arnica gel or take arnica tablets the day of and day after to reduce bruising 


    • Avoid puckering (making “O” shape of your lips), straws, kissing, smoking, vaping, etc for 2 weeks 

    • Lumps or bumps may occur, and usually resolve on their own, if not we can lightly dissolve to soften filler and massage it out 

    • Lipstick okay after 6 hours 

  • CHEEKS, CHIN or NOSE: Avoid pressure to these areas including side sleeping for 2 weeks, as it can manipulate, move or flatten the filler 


    • Avoid smiling for 24 hours to allow filler to settle

WRINKLE-RELAXERS (Botox, Dysport, or Nuceiva)

  • Keep head upright for 6 hours (no naps, or bending over) 

  • No heat (saunas, hot tubs, steam rooms, hot showers, tanning etc.) 

  • No exercise for 24 hours (avoid sweating or increasing your heart rate) 

  • No pressure to the injected area for 24 hours 

  • No actives skin care products for 48 hours (retinol, BHA, AHA, vitamin A, glycolic acids, lactic acids, retin-A) 

  • No facials for 2 weeks 

  • Mild headache can occur the first 48 hours, you may take tylenol 

  • Tiny bumps/red marks will go away within 24 hours, you may apply make up 6 hours post treatment but don’t apply hard pressure

  • Bruising is possible 

  • Be patient for results, as they do take a full 14 days to take effect

  • Book a follow up appointment after 14 days if you are unsatisfied with the results

  • If it was your first time getting treated with wrinkle relaxers at Timeless Beauty Medical Aesthetics, we usually administer an under dose and a touch up may be necessary in 2 weeks for satisfied results 

  • Wrinkle-relaxers can last anywhere between 2.5 - 4 months (depending on the individual, genetics, daily physical activity, medications, health conditions, etc) 

  • Wearing SPF daily prevents the botox from breaking down and wearing off sooner 


  • No heat (saunas, hot tubs, steam rooms, hot showers, tanning etc.) 

  • No exercise for 24 hours (avoid sweating or increasing your heart rate) 

  • Avoid blood thinners for 48 hours to reduce swelling and bruising 

  • No makeup for 48 hours post-treatment 

  • Avoid direct sunlight for 48 hours and apply SPF 50 minimum for at least 2 weeks after 

  • Immediately following the procedure, common side effects are: redness, swelling, bruising, tenderness, tingling, numbness, lumpiness, and/or feeling of pressure or fullness at the injected sites or treated areas for up to 7 days 

  • No facials or laser (face) for 14 days 

  • Collagen stimulation/full results will occur between 6-8 weeks post-treatment 

  • We recommend a series of 3-6 sessions 6-8 weeks apart, followed by maintenance sessions 2-4x per year 

  • No actives skin care products for 10-14 days (retinol, BHA, AHA, vitamin A, glycolic acids, lactic acids, retin-A) 

  • Do moisturize your skin as much as possible as dry skin post-microneedling can occur


  • Lips may ooze (appear to be sweating) the first couple of days. Blot (do not rub) and reapply healing ointment provided post appointment.

  • Do not excessively stretch lips while they are healing with big smiles or puckered lips with straws or smoking. These motions push and pull against the lips edges, applying tension and friction between the strong normal skin surrounding the mouth and the broken inflamed edges. 

  • Lips will be tender at first. Drink through a straw and choose foods you can place in your mouth with a fork without touching lips.

  • Avoid eating foods that can potentially irritate the skin such as spicy, salty and acidic foods. Clean your lips after eating.

  • Use a Q-tip to apply healing ointment to the lips 3-5 times a day for 14 days. The lips will feel chapped for 2-3 weeks- DO NOT pick or bite off any of the chapped skin.

  • Do not apply any make up on the lip area for 14 days or until the lips have
    healed completely.

  • Do not rub, pick or exfoliate lips. Picking or pulling off skin that is not ready
    to come off will cause pigment loss and can pull out deeper tissue. The edges or liner will be the last to fall off. Pulling this off will result in an uneven splotchy line or an indented scar (like messing with a pimple).

  • Redness, swelling and minimal bleeding can be expected. After the procedure, the lips will appear darker or brighter as 30-50% of the application will lighten to a much softer and natural colour.

  • Avoid the sun, tanning beds, hot tubs, steam rooms, saunas, swimming pools, excess sweating and facials.

  • Avoid anti-aging products around that area.

  • Do not let your lips dry out completely, keep moist at all times.

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